pleasure boats

美 [ˈpleʒər boʊts]英 [ˈpleʒə(r) bəʊts]
  • n.游船;游艇
  • pleasure boat的复数
pleasure boatspleasure boats

pleasure boats


  • 1
    N-COUNT 游船;游艇
    A pleasure boat is a large boat which takes people for trips on rivers, lakes, or on the sea for pleasure.

  1. Huge market potential in China 's newly developing Leisure market as well as a number of other countries for Pleasure Boats .


  2. When an executive gets a new sports car , visions of country clubs and pleasure boats dance into view .


  3. Development of LPG Powerplant Purposed for Beijing Green Pleasure Boats


  4. Customs Convention on the temporary importation for private use of aircraft and pleasure boats ;


  5. There are two routes for the pleasure boats on the lake ashinoko .


  6. A large number of pleasure boats travel the waters between Florida 's Gold Coast and the Bahamas .


  7. A large number of pleasure boats travel the waters ` between Florida 's Gold Coast and the Bahamas .


  8. They canals were arteries of communication : They were not made to carry pleasure boats , but barges .


  9. Pleasure boats cruise languidly around the sandbanks that dot the narrow channel leading to the Southern Ocean .


  10. Pier protection systems may also be warranted for bridges over navigable channels transversed only by pleasure boats or small commercial vessels .


  11. For modern ships especially for pleasure boats and crew boats . It has become never enough to use just function designing principle , but needs modern form designing and high attention to their cabin layout .


  12. Travelers in Shandong can now travel on pleasure boats in a scenic spot in Jinan at nighttime to enjoy Daming Lake and the moat surrounding the old town .


  13. As a result , the port has a high vacancy rate and port managers are considering allowing pleasure boats , including cruise ships and other large vessels , to use the port in order to increase revenue .


  14. From that time to the present , sails have been used only for pleasure and sporting boats .
